Voltron: Legendary Defender is a show that aired from 2016-2018, spanning 8 seasons. Throughout this, it amassed an unfathomably large and notorious fanbase. But more than that, it's well-known for how poorly they wrote their own show, including its narrative and characters, after season 3. One of the most prominent and angering things they did as a narrative, an intellectual property, and as a show its fans loved was queerbaiting.
This website focuses on Klance, a ship between two characters: Keith Kogane and Lance McClain. They were and still are the most popular ship in the VLD fandom. Keith and Lance had their ship teased by those who worked on the show. A LOT. There was official merch pairing them together, as well as things that were titled using their ship name, Klance. Crewmembers teased the ship and made creative works for it. It was implied and expected that it was to become canon. Only for it to not be, with the actual canon queer characters in the show facing horrible mistreatment, and being reduced to a homophobic trope for the sake of hurting queer fans. This left queer fans of the show feeling betrayed. Keith and Lance were also subject to the racist writing of those who worked on VLD, leaving their character arcs unfulfilled, and roles as what could have been great queer characters of color abandoned.
In its peak, Klance was a hugely popular queer ship, and its impact left a huge mark on queer media discussion. It was, and remains, hugely important to many queer people of all ages. We want to document its history, from informative to fun to crazy. Queer fans, fans of color, and most importantly, queer people of color are still here and still demand justice to our treatment and portrayals - how we are portrayed in fiction directly correlates alongside how we are treated and viewed in real life. We love Klance, and hope that you can learn from this site, whether it be interesting facts about the show and fandom's history, to things to avoid when writing stories! More than anything, we want to show our love for Keith, Lance, and Klance.