This page is more or less an archive of Crazy Ass Moments in VLD History (@vldhistory) on Twitter. This page was super cool for archiving many huge Voltron fandom moments, but it seems to now be a general fandom account for the owner, which makes it much harder to scroll through. Additionally, fandom accounts on Twitter are prone to being suspended.

So, this page functions as an archive of moments they documented about Keith, Lance, and Klance, in chronological order! (Plus a few extra, tangentially related to the overall theme of "fuck the crew for queerbaiting".) You can open up any image or gif in another tab to get a closer look, and all dates with "ETA" means that, although it happened close to the time listed, the exact date is an estimate. Let's begin!

July 11, 2016: AO3 user Gibslythe starts publishing Dirty Laundry. Its popularity saw it referenced on Fandometrics, and it becoming the second-most kudosed work, and the most popular M/M work.

August 29, 2016: After a suggestion made by Tumblr user @blookie-bot, fellow Tumblr user @alicerae1 created the 'Nice Legs Daisy Dukes Makes a Man Go Pow Pow' video. As-of 2023, it had almost 24k notes on Tumblr. This embed of the video sources the archived version.

November 20, 2016: Tumblr user @svenholgersson posts an edit of Beith (Barry from the Bee Movie x Keith Voltron). It's admittedly a really good edit. It got over 36k notes.

January 20th, 2017 (ETA): Tumblr user @makobunzz makes a post stating that Klance shippers are mad their ship didn't get as much screentime as their ship, Sheith. This led to hundreds of users commenting and tagging Keith's line, "Shiro, you're like a brother to me," under the post.

January 20th, 2017: Twitter user @LEVKAWA posts the iconic "Ah, sorry. It's hard to switch back sometimes. What's up?" exchange. The fic of origin is unknown, despite the efforts of many people to rediscover it.

April 28, 2017: Tumblr user @galraxyart posts a claim that they were physically assaulted by a Klance shipper for shipping Sheith while making a Prince Lotor cosplay in a public cafe. Lotor's design wasn't even public at the time. Between this and the glass cupcakes rumor, people really love to accuse Klance shippers of violent shit that Did Not Happen. (More on the glass cupcake incident being false can be found in the 'links' section.)

August 1, 2017: Infamous for very rarely talking about Voltron on social media and rarely going to events in relation to it, Steven Yeun posted a photo of a single Keith badge on his Instagram, captioned with, "dis cute".

August 11, 2017: The Dreamworks Youtube channel uploads the clip of Lance comforting Keith during the lion switch, and tags it as both "klance" and "voltron klance". It remains tagged this way to this day (as-of May 2024).

September 22, 2017: The Dreamworks Youtube channel uploads Keith's vlog, and tags it as "klance". The tag was promptly removed after being noticed. (First image is from tumblr user @klance-ing, taken September 22.)

July 12th, 2018: Pidge's VA, Bex Taylor-Klaus, posts this reaction to the question of LGBT rep in the show. This was a bit over a month before season 7's release. (Season 7 is the season which introduced, and then quite literally immediately killed off, Shiro's husband.) This embed of the video sources the archived version.

August 9, 2018: Popular VLD Tumblr blogger @klanced (often referred to as "Katie klanced") was deleted by Tumblr staff for URL-hoarding the day before season 7 aired. Given what happens in season 7, many people joked that this was a bad omen.

August 10, 2018: After season 7's less-than-ideal reception from fans, Pidge's VA Bex Taylor-Klaus infamously tweeted "Season 7 is about war" in regard to the queerbaiting. This became a widely-used copypasta for the weeks following. I (Scarlet) still quote and reference it from time to time in regards to cases of queerbait or bury your gays.

August 12, 2018: Shiro and Adam from Voltron: Legendary Defender are added to the Wikipedia page for queerbaiting.

August 20, 2018: After season 7, many fans (the majoroty of which were Klance shippers) decided to make their own Voltron. This led to the creation of Leandro (Lance) and Akira (Keith), and their ship name, Leakira. This spite-fueled version of Voltron was so popular it ended up #9 on Tumblr's weekly Fandometrics.

September 3, 2018: Lucky Luciano (the "you know I had to do it to 'em" guy) was prompted, partially by himself, to post 'klance is canon king' at 50 rts. The next day, "klance is cannon king" was posted. This became the rallying cry for the Klance fandom, and the abbreviation of "KICK" became well-known, as well. This is, of course, the origin of the name of this site!

September 17-20, 2018 (ETA): @omgarttato's maid-cat Keith "I control the Paladins" TikTok was posted. On September 20, it breached containment and was reposted on tumblr user @gothgfs's blog. It quickly became a meme on Tumblr, with "I control the Paladins" becoming a phrase that can flashbang anyone in the fandom at that time. (Try it on your ex-VLD fan friends!)

October 21, 2018 (ETA): Christian blogger, tumblr user, and Voltron: Legendary Defender fan @john15-10 chose God over Shiro.

October 23, 2018: Someone (likely a freelance Malay translator) leaked screenshots of season 8's final episode before the release. Fans were divided on authenticity, but most leaned towards "fake" for a plethora of reasons. Many pointed to Allura's implied death, and Shiro marrying a random, for reasons why it couldn't be real.


May 23, 2019 (ETA): ): Tumblr user @cutestlesbian-pearl posts a graph detailing the average audience scores of each Voltron season.

And, in my opinion, that is the perfect note to end on.